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12 Derwood Circle
Rockville, MD

As the only women’s, flat-track roller derby league in Montgomery County, MD, Free State Roller Derby (FSRD) is hometown and homegrown. Founded in November 2009, FSRD is 100 percent volunteer-run by a growing group of devoted skaters and Fresh Meat, and is backed by a dedicated crew of referees and non-skating officials (NSOs).

FSRD is a 501(c)(3) organization.

FSRD Presents: Kendra Gives Back Party

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FSRD Presents: Kendra Gives Back Party

What if you could buy gifts people will adore AND support your favorite roller gang all at the same time with no extra effort?
If only.... 

FSRD is having a shopping event at Kendra Scott! Her designs are modern and feminine with choices ranging from classic and classy to edgy and funky. FSRD will get 20% (!!!) of the proceeds from this event. It's a great way to meet all of your gift giving needs this season while supporting a local non-profit. 

Can't attend in person? No worries! Place a phone order at the Bethesda store directly and they'll give you free shipping. (240) 743-2428, be sure to mention FSRD.

Here's the website so you can begin hunting for your perfect pieces! Remember that purchases only count if they're made during the event in store or on the phone with the Bethesda location.