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12 Derwood Circle
Rockville, MD

As the only women’s, flat-track roller derby league in Montgomery County, MD, Free State Roller Derby (FSRD) is hometown and homegrown. Founded in November 2009, FSRD is 100 percent volunteer-run by a growing group of devoted skaters and Fresh Meat, and is backed by a dedicated crew of referees and non-skating officials (NSOs).

FSRD is a 501(c)(3) organization.


Join Us!

Free State Roller Derby (FSRD) works hard to maintain an open, accessible, and welcoming environment. If you’ve caught the derby bug—whether as a skater, ref, official, or volunteer—FSRD wants you! You don’t need to be a pro or a rules expert to give it a try, just intrigued by the world of derby.

2025 New Skater Training dates

March 3: Learn to Skate - Four sessions to get you comfortable on skates

March 21: Open House - Start your 13-week journey to derby

July 18: Open House - Start your 13-week journey to derby

Email us at to sign up for any training, or with questions not answered below!

Got Questions?  We've got the answers!

"I've never really skated before."

No problem! FSRD offers a comprehensive Fresh Meat program to teach new skaters, refs & NSOs everything they need to know to join the world of roller derby. Even if you have limited to no experience on skates. We are always accepting new members and volunteers.

"What kind of gear do I need and do I need to buy all of it beforehand?"

To skate at an FSRD practice, you will need:

  • Quad skates

  • Knee pads

  • Wrist guards

  • Elbow pads

  • Helmet

  • Mouth guard

FSRD carries a limited supply of gear available to rent at $5 per practice (mouth guards can be purchased for $2), but rentals cannot be guaranteed and skaters are encouraged to bring whatever they can.  Reach out to the main email below to check and see what we have available.

"I'm visiting the area or from another local league and I'm looking to drop in."

We would be happy to have you! For a donation of $5 per practice you can practice up to two times a month with the league.  Contact the chairs at the email below to check on the practice dates and times.

"I saw 'Whip It' about a thousand times and I want to do what they do."

Welcome to Free State.  You belong with us!

We always accept volunteers and transfers. Please email us at for more information.