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12 Derwood Circle
Rockville, MD

As the only women’s, flat-track roller derby league in Montgomery County, MD, Free State Roller Derby (FSRD) is hometown and homegrown. Founded in November 2009, FSRD is 100 percent volunteer-run by a growing group of devoted skaters and Fresh Meat, and is backed by a dedicated crew of referees and non-skating officials (NSOs).

FSRD is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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Every year, FSRD hosts at least four homegames, attracting hundreds of spectators. Roller derby fans are open and enthusiastic, excited to support the businesses that support our sport.

We also host multiple fundraisers each year, culminating in the fall with our annual chili cook-off, now in its sixth year. Hundreds of chili enthusiasts and community members attend the cook-off or bid in our silent auction.

We are a volunteer-run nonprofit organization working to make roller derby more diverse and accessible. Your generous support helps us do more for our community

Ready to become a part of roller derby? Check out our sponsorship package and reach out to!