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12 Derwood Circle
Rockville, MD

As the only women’s, flat-track roller derby league in Montgomery County, MD, Free State Roller Derby (FSRD) is hometown and homegrown. Founded in November 2009, FSRD is 100 percent volunteer-run by a growing group of devoted skaters and Fresh Meat, and is backed by a dedicated crew of referees and non-skating officials (NSOs).

FSRD is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Boom Shocka Latke

Derby name origin: Boomshakalaka is onomatopoeia for the sound a basketball makes when you slam dunk. We don't have balls in derby, but it's still a fun phrase. A friend suggested Shocka Latke and I said "boom!" like I was excited, without even realizing what I said. And thus, Boom Shocka Latke was born.

When did you join roller derby? Superbowl night 2015 was my very first bootcamp session.

What brought you to Free State? Friends started telling me how wonderful the league was..

How did you find Free State? I first heard about Free State from a (now retired) league member at an open skate session at a nearby rink.

Which leagues/teams are you affiliated with? (e.g. Suzies, Villains, Team Maryland, DCRG, CCRG, etc)


I'm Team Zebra! I'm dual affiliated as an official with Free State and Charm City.

Are you a member of any committees or have off-skates roles?

President of the Potato Fan Club

Do you have a skating/athletic background?

Peeling potatoes is quite the arm workout, is it not?

Likes: Potatoes.

Dislikes: People who don't like potatoes.

What is your Non-Derby-Related job? What do you mean there's a life outside of derby?

Pre-Bout ritual: Frying up some latkes, of course.

Signature move: Calling you on all your penalties, duh!

Motivational Quote: "I may look like a potato now but one day I'll turn into fries and you'll all want me then." - Unknown